Coping With Loss

image of weeping angel coping with loss
There’s no map or step-by-step plan that will tell you how to deal with the death of a loved one. Everyone grieves and copes differently, and their journey will depend on many different factors. Your past experiences, relationship to the deceased, religious beliefs and current place in life can all affect how you handle the death of a loved one.

Yes, it’s true that time helps heal wounds. But there are certain things you can do to heal more quickly and make the process easier on yourself:

  • Give yourself time to grieve. The grieving process is crucial to moving on from the death of a loved one, and denying yourself the natural feeling of grief will only delay healing. Take time to mourn your loss and say goodbye to your loved one in a manner you feel most appropriate.
  • Cherish your memories. The key points to focus on during grieving and healing are the good times you shared with your loved one. Look at old photographs that bring back good memories and reflect on how that person affected your life – cherishing a person’s memory is one of the best ways to come to terms with their death.
  • Spend time with their family and friends. When you’re coping with a loved one’s death, it can be comforting to spend time with other people who were close to them. You can exchange stories, talk about what they taught you and even learn things you never knew about them. Surrounding yourself with other people grieving your loved one will bring you comfort and support when you need it most.
  • Keep a journal. Start a new journal at the beginning of your healing process and write in it whenever you feel compelled. Reading old entries will help you realise how far you’ve come and will encourage you to keep moving forward. Some people find comfort in writing letters to their loved ones who have passed on, so try and see if it works for you as well.
  • Turn to a higher power or spiritual guide. If you’re a religious person, you’ll find comfort in seeking a higher power for guidance. If you consider yourself more spiritual than religious, practise meditation to hone in positive energies. Times of grief are often the best times to grow your religious or spiritual beliefs.
  • Find a charity to support. Many people find comfort in helping out a charitable cause, especially after the death of a loved one. You can focus your attention on a matter close to your heart and give back to people in need.

During the grieving process, you will have bad days and good days. Some days you may feel fine and go about your daily life as usual, but other days you may feel overcome with grief and unable to continue with your usual routine. You should accept that this is completely normal and only push yourself to do what you are comfortable with.

In the journey of coping with a loved one’s death, there is no end point or final destination. You will never wake up one morning and feel completely healed from the tragedy of your loved one’s passing. However, the time will come when you find peace with their death and are able to lead a happy life.

If you are struggling with coping with your loss, why not call one of our psychics at Absolute Soul Secrets for a psychic reading by phone? Most of our psychics have qualified counselling skills in addition to sharing information with you using their psychic abilities to connect with spirit. Many of our psychics have mediumship skills too which allows them to connect with ‘the other side’. Go to our website at for the phone number to call from your country.

Author: Rose Smith