Uranus Retrograde 2024

goddess woman surrounded by a butterfly on a bright purple background

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 2024

We start 2024 with Planet Uranus in retrograde since August 28, 2023 until January 27, 2024 in the zodiac sign of Taurus. Uranus again enters retrograde motion September 1, 2024 until January 31, 2025 once again in Taurus.

Uranus is one of the transpersonal planets often in the background of our lives, only then to pop out with something unexpected, volatile or extraordinary! As Uranus is in Taurus, probably things with real physical effects could occur such as Earthquakes, money volatility or electricity, oil, or power issues. We can expect the price of power to increase in 2024. Taurus is also ruled by Venus who is associated with finances adding to potential financial issues.

As Uranus continues his journey through Earthy Taurus both excitement and turbulence are offered up! Astrology suggests that on an inner level, there is a great deal of psychological and spiritual transformation, which at some point will be expressed in a concrete physical manner. You may also get some creative flashes of brilliance, going off like fireworks on cracker night in your head!

Uranus is known as ‘The Awakener’

The retrograde transit of Uranus in Taurus is like a cosmic nudge to rethink our stability and money matters.

It’s a time when we’re asked to take a closer look at our values—what really matters to us, especially when it comes to finances and security. Things might feel a bit unpredictable or different, urging us to adapt to changes in how we handle our resources.

While Taurus usually likes things steady, Uranus brings a twist by encouraging us to think outside the box. This retrograde nudges us to find new and unconventional ways to manage money matters.

Even if things seem a bit topsy-turvy, this phase is a chance for personal growth. Embracing change, learning from it, and finding creative ways to handle our resources will be key during this period.

So, in a nutshell, Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus shakes up our traditional approaches to money matters, prompting us to think innovatively about stability and growth. You might also be thinking ‘ah ha cryptocurrency!’…a great deal of caution is required here as cryptocurrencies are likely to be more volatile than usual.

We will probably need to spend a lot of time in self-reflection, review and reassessment. Go with the flow whilst you can however when dealing with money, planning and caution are needed along with reliable intuition. It’s not the best time to take unfounded or wild risks even though you might be tempted. Great upheaval could be the end result if you haven’t researched or checked facts. Nevertheless, it’s time for a paradigm shift in the way we all deal with money and resources.

Expect the Unexpected!

Uranus spends approximately 5 months per year in the retrograde zone. There is also a ‘shadow period’ commencing a few months before and after this time:

  • Uranus enters retrograde zone/shadow on May 15, 2024, at 23° Taurus 16′
  • Uranus stations and turns retrograde on September 1, 2024, at 27° Taurus 15′ Rx
  • Uranus stations and turns direct on January 31, 2025, at 23° Taurus 16′
  • Uranus leaves retrograde zone/shadow on May 17, 2025, at 27° Taurus 15′

Uranus has an affinity with the masculine yang energy, although some disagree and say Uranus is neither male nor female.

When Uranus is retrograde, inexplicable issues with authority figures may arise – particularly with governments or fatherhood figures, as rebelliousness, revolution and anarchy rise. Uranus in retrograde is recalcitrant against restrictions and regulations, but a lot can be held internally rather than being overtly expressed. Do be aware however that later, some ‘explosions’ could occur as the situation reaches breaking point.

Uranus is the planet that is first of the transpersonal outer planets, with Neptune and Pluto following. These planets relate to individuals and large collectives of people, for example, countries. Transpersonal planets are also connected to spiritual experiences from beyond this current lifetime such as incarnation, karma and destiny.

comic style of a surprised woman with blonde hair saying wow plus a sign to keep calm and expect the unexpected

Feeling Restless and Frustrated

When Uranus is direct, there may be a push towards individual freedom with large numbers of people chafing at restrictions, such as those imposed by governments, relationships, work, family or local environments. But when Uranus goes retrograde, perhaps it’s time to be less publicly rebellious. However, if you don’t find a healthy outlet to release tension, you may hold the tension within, causing further frustration. It’s a bit tricky! You could find yourself thinking about ending a relationship or job or wanting to relocate. You may be drawn to others who live on the ‘fringe of society’ in some way, or you might just be feeling very restless with your life. Anxiety or sudden changes in behaviour or emotional state are also possible.

Just Be Yourself and Stay Calm

The 2024 Uranus retrograde may also bring up issues from past lives and other universal realities. You could feel ‘different’ to others or ‘wired’ into some other dimension, which may cause erratic mood swings or personality changes. There may also be weird things happening with technology, electricity, or lightning. So just be yourself and try to stay calm and centred. Practice being grounded in this physical reality rather than letting your mind go off too much into other dimensions. The retrograde journey gives you a chance to go further into your subconscious to look for clues about intimate relationships, commitment, routine and those places where you might feel stuck. It’s certainly time to make changes by taking some calculated risks so the Cosmos can teach us to listen to our inner truth.

Do allow the planet of awakening to bring some passion into your life!

Great Time to Plan Your Future

Do you want change? Be patient, it’s probably not the best time to act right now, but it is a good time to plan your future. You could be feeling disruptive and rebellious, so instead of jumping out of the fat and into the next frying pan, take a deep breath and calm down before making major decisions. If you’re meant to move on or instigate some form of change, your anger and seething rebellion can sit within in the bottom of a fiery cauldron to fuel your actions at a later time.

Uranus retrograde is a mixed bag of influences, some positive and others less so. Having said all of this, if you’re normally rebellious, you may calm down a little. The keyword for Uranus is unpredictability!

All planetary retrogrades give us the opportunity to review, reflect and reassess different areas of our lives.

Those Most Affected by Uranus Retrograde 2024

  • Inventors.
  • Those in the science, electricity, Earth sciences and technology industries including those who use or invest heavily in these technologies.
  • Those with rebellious and independent tendencies.
  • Spiritual people or those with spiritual inclinations.
  • Societies where there is great inequality and are ripe for revolution such as USA, UK, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, China, Chile, Costa Rica, Brazil and India.
  • Countries with a history of extreme weather or Earth changes.
  • Cryptocurrencies will no doubt be affected… if you enjoy a volatile ride where you could lose everything…go right ahead and ‘invest’.

Zodiac signs most impacted are Taurus, Libra and Aquarius along with Fixed signs Leo and Scorpio.

Keywords Associated with Uranus and Uranus Retrograde

  1. Re-evaluation
  2. Unconventional Insights
  3. Internal Revolution
  4. Innovative Review
  5. Unexpected Changes
  6. Introspection
  7. Subconscious Breakthroughs
  8. Internal Awakening
  9. Adapting Dynamics
  10. Restructuring Perspectives
  11. Emotional Risk Taking
  12. Unpredictable Emotions
  13. Unknown Detours

Psychic Astrologer Rose Smith 🙂

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