Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Decks have been around for millennia. They are a useful divination tool which contain a plethora of valuable life information. The cards are used in various spreads to gain insight and clarity about a particular situation and tarot card meanings can be unique and powerful.

Although tarot card meanings are mostly symbolic, they can sometimes be taken literally as well.  The tarot deck contains the major arcana which has 22 cards (numbered 0-21) and is concerned with major life events. The remaining 56 cards (4 suits numbered 0-10 plus 4 Court cards – Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages in each suit) are the minor arcana and relate to everyday events. So traditionally there are a total 78 tarot cards in the deck.

The Four Suits

There are four suits in the tarot deck which have different tarot card meanings. These are similar to the four elements in astrology:

Cups – relate to the Watery realms of the emotions. Cups carry emotions which are alchemically transformed in the cups.

Wands – relate to Fiery realms of spirit. They bring the passion of Spirit which adds excitement and life.

Swords – relate to the Airy realms of cognition or thought. This is all about the mind, intelligence and what you think.

Tarot Cards can help hone your own intuition and you can increase your tarot skills with practice and dedication over time. You may find different interpretations in the cards as your intuition increases. Although, there are standard definitions however, these are really the basic building blocks that you build your psychic skills upon.

Card Combinations

When doing a reading, each suite has its own unique meanings that can be used to interpret the card combinations. For example, if the spread includes a combination of cups and swords, it could indicate a difficult decision or conflict between emotions and logic. The combination of wands with pentacles could indicate sudden shifts in energy or money.

Further, when interpreting tarot card combinations, it is important to look at each individual card as well as the overall message of the reading.

Basically, tarot card meanings can differ depending on the skill and experience of the reader.

Above all, if you use the tarot deck for the purposes of enlightenment and to help the client and you will find the true tarot card meanings will come to you.

Good luck and many blessings on your tarot card journey!

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