Increase Your Intuition With These Easy Tips

image of a blindfolded woman wandering through lightbulbs

Oh no I hear you say! Another set of tips I have to try and remember! It’s not like that I promise! It will not take extra time out of your day to practise these tips as you are already doing these intuitive things nearly every single day.

All we are going to do is take an extra breath or two, before we focus on what we are already doing, and make a conscious note of any feeling, name or message that comes to mind.

Increase Your Intuition With These 7 Tips

  1. How often do you forget your carefully written shopping list? No problem. Instead of trying to remember what is on your list, use it as an opportunity to follow your intuition with what was on your list. See in your third eye your list as if it is in your hand. Over time you will get better and better.
  2. Before you arrive at your destination, see yourself getting the perfect park. Do not see anyone leaving it only that it is free for you.
  3. Before opening a text or answering a phone call, allow yourself to intuitively ‘see’ who it is. Confirm out loud “I had a feeling it was you”.
  4. Repeat Tip 3 but in reverse before you call or text someone. Think about them for a moment. They will likely say “I was just thinking of you and you rang.”
  5. Try to intuitively predict the outcome of T.V. shows and movies you are watching, or books you are reading.
  6. Before leaving home, imagine your journey being clear, you get all green lights and arrive safely and on time at your destination. Remember when you arrive to give thanks.
  7. Play code cracking games or guessing games such as battleships with someone, and practise tuning in before each turn. You can progress to blocking your opponent and tuning in depending on whose turn it is.

There are so many ways we can integrate our intuition into our daily life and learn Spirit’s presence in even the most simplest of tasks. It is important to practise not only specific ‘psychic’ exercises, but to see how it is applicable in our everyday activities. Ultimately you are aiming to live a life with Spirit as your trusted advisor in all areas.

Tune in to Spirit for the Small Stuff

We often think Spirit is only there for the big stuff… love, career, finances and so on. We can become locked into only seeing the patterns in the big things and we often miss that Spirit is a part of everything, even the mundane tasks we do every day.

The phrase…”learn to walk before you can run” is important here, because it is when we begin to listen to our intuition each day on the little things i.e. the car park in number 2, or the heads up in number 6 to go a different way, that we find the meaning in “trusting Spirit.”

It’s when we talk to Spirit at the “daily little things” level and give thanks, that we can see the synchronicity and patterns in all that we do. This is what builds trust between you and Spirit. It is this trusting relationship you develop through talking with Spirit daily, that helps you have faith during truly challenging times.

Communicate with Spirit Daily

No matter how big or small your issue is! To see Spirit’s gentle messages and patterns in the life changing moments, can only happen if you are aware of how to read, communicate and trust Spirit daily. If you try to jump to the bigger issues, with Spirit it can seem a little overwhelming or frustrating to be told to have trust this trust.

Trust is something that comes from a relationship being built, or if you like, seeing the evidence of trusting Spirit. Take the time and allow yourself to be guided by your intuition in this way. In doing so, you well be lead by Spirit to discover other gifts and abilities within yourself that you never thought possible.

Happy practising. This is just the beginning.

Author: Psychic Angela