Pluto Retrograde 2024

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Planet Pluto Retrograde 2024 in Aquarius & Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde from May 3 to October 12, 2024, in the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn

Pluto in retrograde dips into unpredictable Aquarius on May 3 until June 11 and then enters stable and Earthy Capricorn. This planet travels very slowly and in 2023 it was also in these same zodiac signs.

In Aquarius, likely beginnings of radical metamorphosis could affect many areas of life for many people. We can expect to really feel these transFORMations when Pluto returns to Capricorn from January 21, 2024, until October 12, 2024 and again from November 20, 2024, to March 8, 2043. As Pluto often only moves 1-2 degrees per year, its 3rd hit will last 19 years until 2043.

  • Pluto enters retrograde zone (shadow) on January 21, 2024, at 29° Capricorn 38′
  • Pluto stations retrograde on May 3, 2024, at 2° Aquarius 06′ Rx
  • Pluto stations and turns direct on October 12, 2024, at 29° Capricorn 38′
  • Pluto leaves retrograde zone (shadow) on February 2, 2024, at 2° Aquarius 06′

Pluto spends approximately 5 months per year in retrograde. There is also a ‘shadow period’ commencing a few months before and after this time. Pluto has an affinity with the feminine yin energy. Delusions and illusions may occur more often than usual when retrograde. Logical thinking may be particularly difficult, and judgement doesn’t seem as clear-cut as usual as we are more in touch with the subconscious realms. On the positive side, it is also synonymous with renewal and being ‘born again’ in some way.

When Pluto goes retrograde in 2024, it continues on from 2023, with a period of intense transformation and structural evolution:

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius:

  • Emphasis on collective change: the 2024 retrograde in Aquarius stimulating a focus on societal reforms, innovation, and progressive ideals.
  • Breakdown of outdated structures: Aquarius’ influence encourages the dissolution of traditional systems to make way for unconventional and futuristic approaches.
  • Societal upheavals and revolutions: This period might spark movements for equality, technological advancements, and a redefinition of societal norms.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn:

  • Structural overhauls and power shifts: Capricorn’s influence with this retrograde indicates deep transformations in governmental, corporate, and hierarchical structures.
  • Reassessment of authority: There’s a potential for power struggles and a reassessment of leadership, urging a redefinition of what constitutes authority and responsibility.
  • Focus on integrity and foundations: This period prompts a review of the integrity of foundations, both personal and collective, urging for a more authentic and stable base.

Both these retrogrades symbolise a time of immense change, urging societies and individuals to reassess their structures, values, and methods of operation. It’s a transformative period, inviting collective and personal evolution towards more authentic and progressive paradigms.

In astrology, Pluto is the last of the outer planets in our solar system. It is the third transpersonal planet, which means it relates to both individuals and large collectives of people, for example, countries.

an eye covered in a butterflies and 2 butterflies flying out from a clear globe into the clear blue sky

Pluto Retrograde 2024: Profound Transformation

Pluto also known as ‘God of the Underworld’ rules over profound transformation, sex, death, and rebirth and turns retrograde every year. Think of numerology where the number 9 is the end of the cycle, 0 is a place of limbo, and then the number 1 restarts a new cycle. Pluto is like the zero sitting between an old existence and a new one. Even when retrograde, Pluto heralds a time of significant transformation in life. After a time of limbo, being patient and waiting, the phoenix rises from the ashes, and we are born again. Karma and fate are key themes during these times. It is sometimes stated that Uranus breaks, Neptune dissolves, and Pluto destroys.

Nuclear bombs and radiation are associated with Pluto, however when it is retrograde it’s likely to be in a somewhat ‘hidden’ position. I feel it’s unlikely that nuclear war or bombings will occur in the short term. However, we’re more likely to internalise our concerns or worries about such things. Perhaps we’ll hear more about it than usual in the media, especially given the situation with Ukraine and Russia which is likely to last beyond 2024.

Pluto The Great Revealer: Sex, Death and Money

As ruler of Scorpio, Pluto is also associated with sex, death, and money. Pluto’s retrograde may also bring up issues around fear of death or situations where the transition of death becomes more prevalent and real. We may experience different types of death – the death of a relationship, a career, or our children growing up and leaving home. We could feel alone, isolated and may contemplate what our own final moments will be. Death and transFORMation are no longer abstract concepts – they’re real and touch us in some way.

During Pluto’s backward motion, core themes of control and abuse could go underground in some way, along with obsessive and compulsive behaviour and addiction. Perhaps we hide some of these things? We suffer, we grieve, we transition to other realms and realities.

Emotions We Can’t Explain

When Pluto goes retrograde, we may become aware of spiritual wounds from the past that need to be understood and healed. They may be difficult to understand or talk about. Sometimes, these things are inexplicable and exist beyond words. We may also come face to face with our own mortality. We could receive inklings of past incarnations where strong beliefs and emotions were carried over to this lifetime. We could also experience extreme emotions, including fears we can’t explain or express.

Manipulation and victimisation are also potential themes of Pluto when in Retrograde. You may be feeling like a victim in some way, but Pluto Retrograde will eventually steer you in the right direction to find wholeness and renewal. You may feel the veils falling from your eyes after a long journey into the unknown. Go with your feelings. You may not understand with your mind, but if you trust in the magical process of life, you will be redeemed and reborn anew.

Use Planet Pluto to Heal

Pluto Retrograde often carries us along on an obscure wave that we cannot identify. However, it’s also an excellent time for spiritual self-development. Check out some self-help books, astrology, yoga, or learn astrology. Your psychic abilities could become stronger during this time, and you may have deep spiritual experiences, including passing over to the other side or dealing with Spirits.

All planetary retrogrades give us the opportunity to review, reflect and reassess different areas of our lives. We can do that now as we learn to accept the reality of Pluto Retrograde. We can learn a new way of dealing with Plutonian energy when Pluto is retrograde.

Those Most Affected by Pluto Retrograde in 2024

  • Spiritual people such as psychics, healers, and those interested in self-help and development.
  • Those working with ecology and the Earth.
  • Those working in espionage or investigations of suicides and homicides.
  • People involved with death such as mortuary attendants, funeral directors, and coroners.
  • People involved with nuclear power or plutonium.
  • Those experiencing death and suffering on a large scale, such as war.

The zodiac signs most impacted are Fixed signs Leo, Scorpio (Pluto is Ruler of Scorpio), Aquarius and Taurus. Also, Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are similarly affected.

Keywords for Pluto and Pluto Retrograde

  1. Transformation
  2. Rebirth
  3. Introspection
  4. Regeneration
  5. Power Dynamics
  6. Release of Old Patterns
  7. Underworld Journey
  8. Psychological Evolution
  9. Inner Unveiling
  10. Metamorphosis
  11. Disintegration and Dissolution

Psychic Astrologer Rose Smith 🙂

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