Sagittarius Star Sign: Exploring this Adventurous & Optimistic Fire Sign

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Splendid Sagittarians

November 23 – December 21

Sagittarians love freedom and independence. They are optimistic, pure hearted and are believed to be followed by good luck. When problems arise, Sagittarius overcomes the challenge and moves on quickly.

The ultimate freethinkers, Sagittarians are energetic and occasionally restless. They love to travel and have unquenchable wanderlusts. They are extremely generous and great judges of character. However, Sagittarius can be anger prone and should make relaxation a daily priority.

A determined nature and straightforward outlook make Sagittarians a great fit for jobs as an entrepreneur, airline pilot, police officer or flight attendant. They should avoid 9 – 5 desk jobs that don’t provide enough opportunity for self-expression or creative thinking.

Leo, Aries and Aquarius are compatible with Sagittarius, who loves to party and have fun. Sagittarians don’t get along with Gemini or Virgo very well, but friendships with both signs are still attainable.

A few of the most famous Sagittarians are Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Sia Furler, Bruce Lee, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, Walt Disney, Jane Fonda and Frank Sinatra.

Fun Facts:

  • Symbol: The Centaur and Archer
  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Flowers: Narcissus and Dandelion
  • Gemstones: Amber, Imperial Topaz, Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone and Turquoise
  • Metal: Tin
  • Colours: Light blue and purple
  • Lucky Numbers: 5 and 7

But don’t just take our word for it you splendid Sagittarians. Give us a call at and speak to one of our talented psychics to find more about you. Our psychics are available 24/7.

Author: Rose Smith