Soul Contracts Connection or Coincidence

image of woman embracing an easy life in the sunset

“Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.” – Caroline Myss

It is said Soul Contracts are agreements, that each of us enters into before birth. Prior to the contract being made, your spirit guides allow you to choose from many life lesson scenarios. Your soul choices will then become the foundation of your Soul Contract.

I say the foundation of your Soul Contract, as you will find yourself generating energy and interaction around certain areas (the foundations) of your life. Love interests, family and friends, school friends,(and bullies), work colleagues, in-laws etc, are areas in most of our lives that we will find ourselves drawn to and experiencing.

Remember that soul contracts are not just related to people in your life. Soul contracts also include experiences you may have with wealth or poverty, health and illness, a smooth trouble free life verses struggling with obstacles and blockages throughout your life, certain fears you may have or on the other hand you may have chosen to be an adrenaline junkie…..there are so many different experiences that you are here to ‘sample’ in all aspects of your amazing life. Whatever your soul contract entails, remember you have chosen these experiences to learn and grow. Allow yourself to do just that.

I believe the following actions are vitally important to staying on track and honouring your spiritual growth and your soul contract. Your choices – keep them simple and positive. Your clarity and determination to stay focused on your goals may seem hard to maintain at first, but when you see the ease at which things happen for you, you will find it becomes second nature.

The environment you choose to surround yourself with should bring the love and support of those around you – encouraging you to follow your dreams. The time and energy you are willing to invest in yourself and your life, as opposed to getting caught up in someone else’s dramas and problems can make such a difference in your life. Your achievements that are gained as a result of your self-discipline and your passion to follow what makes your heart sing, – regardless what others are thinking or saying about your direction, are what keep you bound to working toward fulfilling your soul contract.

The flip side of that is……you can be living a life where you find yourself wondering, what will go wrong next?? Why aren’t things working out? Why am I finding myself repeating the same sort of problems over and over again???

If you find yourself experiencing the latter, quite often in multiple areas of your life, you are more than likely ‘off track’ so to speak, or walking a path someone else wants you to walk for their benefit, or walking the path you feel others expect you to walk.

Either way, you will struggle in life if you keep battling against the opportunities and experiences that are pre-determined or destined to coordinate with your soul contract. Now that doesn’t necessarily spell danger, actually from my perspective I believe that can be a good wake up call to become aware of your true wants and needs in life, and get yourself headed back in the right direction…..going with the flow, enjoying all of the streamlined experiences, as opposed to going against it, hitting every piece of debris along the way!

A little tip from me…….I have experienced life both against the flow of where I blindly run off my path. I experienced both good and bad times while off track in my past. The good times were great, but the bad times were soul destroying and very painful

However I have been fortunate enough to take advantage of my life wake up call, and now flow in the direction of my dreams, desires and life passions. I can tell you, following your bliss or your heart’s desire in all aspects of your life wins hands down every time!!! Life is not meant to be a struggle, but if you allow yourself to be distracted, you will find you become exhausted on all levels, while fighting your way off the beaten track further and further away from your soul choices.

There is a universal law, a balance that if understood and maintained, allows us to rise after difficult times, usually when we feel totally defeated! A balance that indicates to you, through words, thoughts, emotions feelings. If you think of all the what if’s and questionable scenarios you may have floating around in your everyday worries and thoughts, listening can play such a vital role in your progression. You may accidentally (spiritually on purpose) overhear precious answers to your own questions, as you walk past total strangers having a conversation. Signs that you see in everyday life, signs that you can notice, when you stop struggling against your souls direction.

When you turn your mud map the right way up and start heading in the right direction, ploughing on regardless of what is thrown in your path, that is when your soul sings. That is when those around you ask you what have you done differently in your life – because you are glowing, radiating, looking healthy, enjoying the abundance of financial change, new or refreshed relationships, new promotion or recognition in your workplace, the meeting of new people enabling you to widen your circle of friends, bringing those whom you are supposed to be connecting with into your life. While at the same time, allowing you to be pulled into the chosen experiences of others, you may find you are an important part of someone else’s dreams and desires, allowing them to also grow and fulfill part of their soul contract.

Soul Connections are a pull from both directions to the same meeting point. I like to think of us as human chess pieces that are sometimes moved in the winning direction, and sometimes moved in the wrong direction through poor choices.

The accurate and insightful psychic readers at Absolute Soul Secrets are able to help you through these uncertain times or events in your life. Your telephone psychic reading can also help bring your awareness to some simple and easy changes that will have you following the right direction. You will gain insight through your psychic reading as to what resonates well in your life.

You may ask for tips on meditation – which will help you to calm your racing mind – or ask about any messages from passed loved ones that may be the inspiration that you are looking for to get motivated to live your soul purpose. Your talented psychic can bring clarity to you, by suggesting ways to be true to yourself and make time for the special things in your life that will enable and help the flow of positive energy around you and your life circumstances.

Take the time to practise looking after your desires and dreams – because when you feel good, most of the stuff you are stressed about will look after itself. How many times do you stop and stress about your financial position when you are relaxed and focused on something you enjoy doing? How many times have you lost sleep over something that was worrying you, only to find out that it didn’t eventuate anyway? That has not only been energy wasted, but it has been wasted while focusing on negatives. You want to practise and maintain focusing on the positives, the things that are going in the right direction (regardless of how small they might seem), and the new positive opportunities you would like to experience in your life. Once again your phone psychic can help you with releasing old beliefs and fears that are no longer needed in your life. This will raise your energy to a higher vibration – a more positive level – and at the same time, create a positive clear space for new experiences to enter your life, that will be nourishing for your soul.

If you can trust yourself to follow what feels right, if you work smart, and most of all be true to yourself, you will find a comfortable balance enter your life and stay for as long as it is maintained. Maintaining it is not as hard as you might think…….after all you did choose to experience this life, why not make the most of it and enjoy the journey.

Author: Rose Smith