2023 Horoscopes

Horoscopes 2023

2023 is a Universal 7 year meaning it can be a very spiritually expansive year, even if there are some growing pains. Society is moving into a more compassionate and caring phase that is less materialistic. There’s also a sense of moving forward despite some difficulties.

It’s important to remember that all things change, and nothing lasts forever. So it’s a great year for reassessing the direction of your life and your relationships. The keyword for 2023 is TransFORMation!

Watch or listen to your 2023 Horoscope video (click on your star sign below). Psychic Rose Smith shares her insights about what each star sign can anticipate in the year ahead.

Aries star sign symbol in purple

2023 Aries Horoscope ( March 21st – April 19th )

Awesome Aries, your Ruler Mars starts the year retrograde but from the 12th January, more vitality is coming your way in 2023. This year also offers you a healing gift when Jupiter conjuncts Chiron in your sign late February and early March.

taurus starsign in purple

2023 Taurus Horoscope ( April 20th – May 20th )

Terrific Taurus, your ruler Venus is in Leo midyear bringing a lot of affection into your life until it goes retrograde from July 22 to September 3, quietening things down a bit. Venus is also in your home and family zone so love or passion might visit your home.

gemini starsign purple

2023 Gemini Horoscope ( May 21st – June 20th )

Gorgeous Geminis, your ruling planet Mercury will be retrograde 4 times during 2023. Whilst this is not unusual, it does place extra emphasis on you to be careful with your communications during these times. It is possible misunderstandings or miscommunications could result.

cancer starsign purple

2023 Cancer Horoscope ( June 21st – July 22nd )

Caring Cancer, you start the year off with the ‘Eagle Eye pattern’ of intuition and deep insight into matters of intimacy and shared resources. There may have been some restrictive factor that has been a source of concern, however now your mind is in the process of pinpointing a solution.

leo starsign purple

2023 Leo Horoscope ( July 23rd – August 22nd )

Lovely Leo, prior to mid May your life can expand spiritually and physically with spontaneity and energy. You may contemplate studying, overseas travel or personal growth work. It could be quite an exciting and mind blowing time for you!

virgo starsign purple

2023 Virgo Horoscope ( August 23rd – September 22nd )

Vivacious Virgo, there’s an opportunity for improving a situation involving joint resources such as taxes, real estate or other investments. From mid May Jupiter enters Taurus enabling you to manifest in the physical realms such things as study, overseas travel and spirituality.

libra starsign purple

2023 Libra Horoscope ( September 23rd – October 22nd )

Lovely Libra, 2023 brings some sort of healing regarding your committed REALationships such as business partnerships, marriages or significant others. Previously, you may have suffered a spiritual wound in an important REALationship but the situation can resolve.

scorpio starsign purple

2023 Scorpio Horoscope ( October 23rd – November 21st )

Sensational Scorpio, if you’ve been having health or work problems there could be an improvement end of February to early March. Then after mid May, your focus is on important REALationships and partnerships, either business or personal. There’s heaps going on some of which could be fated.

sagittarius starsign purple

2023 Sagittarius Horoscope ( November 22nd – December 21st )

Savvy Sagittarius, your creativity, romance and pleasure zone is activated and there’s a lot going on in your personal and private life. Following some possible turbulence, a healing takes place so that you feel more confident about being creative or getting involved romantically.

capricorn starsign purple

2023 Capricorn Horoscope ( December 22nd – January 19th )

Clever Capricorn, after a slow start to the year, life gradually ramps up with a lot of planetary energy influencing you to make changes in your appearance or identity. Your home and/or family is blessed with the resolution of a problem end February or in early March.

aquarius starsign purple

2023 Aquarius Horoscope ( January 20th – February 18th )

Awesome Aquarius, 2023 starts off with quite a spiritual vibe for you. You could be very much in touch with your inner landscapes through dreams and little spiritual flashes throughout the daytime. There’s some kind of expansion around your home or perhaps your family could grow.

pisces starsign purple

2023 Pisces Horoscope ( February 19th – March 20th )

Passionate Pisces, the year begins slowly ramping up over January with socialising and events with friends and groups. When Pluto enters Aquarius from March to June, you will probably receive a lot of spiritual information and impressions from past lives or from ancestors long gone.