Transformation Ritual Ideas

image of the transform of the lotus flower in different colours

Prepare Yourself For Transformation This Autumn

At this time of year, it’s good to take stock and reflect upon our lives as a time of preparation for letting go of outmoded habits, thoughts and situations with the flow of Winter. Now is a time of balancing dark and light within, unification of the opposites and deciding what goes and what stays. As the leaves change and prepare to leave the trees, we can acknowledge the impermanence of all things and know that the only certain thing is change. Transformation is a wonderful thing however, it makes space for new and exciting opportunities to enter our lives. We can prepare for this by creating a personal ceremony.

Personal Transformation Ritual Ideas from Rose

One way to prepare to let go is to create a personal altar where you ‘alter your life’ or a specific meditation space. You can use seasonal elements such as falling twigs, leaves, gourds, corn….whatever. If you have an outdoor space, you could build a simple fire pit, dig a hole in the ground or get a large iron wok to burn things you are letting go of. I like the idea of a wok like crucible which you can reuse solely for ritualistic purposes, that way you are building up the energy for future rituals.  If you can’t burn the actual item you wish to let go of, make a representation of it or write it down on a piece of paper.

You can also perform a smudging ceremony burning sage or rosemary. Make up some words in advance of what you wish to say and whilst burning the herbs in a meditative state, wave the smoke from the herbs around your body as you take slow deep breaths. Enjoy the smell of the herbs and allow that to penetrate all your senses including your mind’s eye.

Think of what you’ve accomplished so far this year and what you would like to accomplish. Think about the people who have helped you and call on them again in Spirit to help you once again obtain your goals. Thank each person (aloud is best) and call them by name.

Imagine the sun rising and shining brightly upon you and your projects and then retreating again into the night sky, all the time knowing that the time will come again for it to rise and you can move forward with your creative energies.  For the moment however, the sun is in the setting phase and you are in preparation and consolidation mode. Ask what is necessary for you to achieve what you want to manifest and pay careful attention to the answers you receive. Now is a special time where you can ‘balance’ your life and plan for what you want.

End the ceremony by giving thanks and gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Thank Mother Earth and Father Sky and allow yourself to feel hopeful and energised about what can happen in the future.

I’m going outside now to do the same. Happy Autumn!

Brightest Blessings.


Author: Rose Smith