Archangel Perpetiel

image of angel statue representing archangel perpetiel

A little known but nevertheless powerful Archangel called Perpetiel is the encourager of hopes and dreams. He is also the bringer of success in any true venture on your spiritual path. Nothing stands in his way when you are open to him and he can enter your life suddenly without fanfare or warning.

What Does He Look Like?

To me, he appears tall, with short brownish hair and beard. He has a strong face and jawline. His most outstanding feature is his powerful ‘glacial blue’ eyes that looked straight through me. He has the essence of biblical times around him and has a remarkable similarity to Archangel Michael in appearance and strength of character.

His Message

In my words the essence of Archangel Perpetiel’s message is: “I come to give the world comfort and strength not to recoil in the face of difficulties both known and unknown. Make my presence known through whatever means so that people will know they are not alone and much assistance and love are given from other dimensions. I am messenger to humanity that in times of trial and tribulation, all angelic forces are mustered to illuminate the light of knowing and awareness.

Call upon angels of love and light to hold you up when you can no longer stand tall. When you are weary and tired of life and all its multitude of problems, remember angelic forces are standing with you, urging you forward in your growth and spiritual expansion. Even when you cannot understand the reasons for the way of things, your path seems blocked or strewn with obstacles, call on me to lift you up and fly you over the blockages. I will set you back on your path and you can recommence your life again afresh. Look back and see how far you have come and continue your journey towards success and happiness. It is I who hear your prayers and I who guarantee you success”.

How Do I Call Him?

Relax, allow yourself plenty of time and keep warm. Focus on being completely open to whatever may happen; trusting your guides and angels are there to help you if you need be. Relax into a deep meditative state, where you are almost asleep, however stay alert. You want to remember everything that you experience. Focus upon the name of Perpetiel. I call it several times in my mind and also imagine it written.

Archangel Perpetiel is also associated with burning candles. Immediately before seeing him, I saw a candle with green leaves on either side and I heard the words “Hope is Coming”. Archangel Perpetiel then appeared unexpectedly.

Good Luck and don’t give up hope!

Author: Rose Smith