5 Secrets to Speed Up Cupid

5 Secrets to Speed Up Cupid

Below are 5 SECRETS to help you expedite being with “THE ONE”.

As well as transforming current relationships too! Many soul agreements to fulfill life missions to help the planet are being fulfilled in great ways. The power of 2 is far greater than 1 in terms of life missions. It is TIME now.

SECRET #1: CREATE Harmony in All Relationships.

CREATE Harmony in ALL your other Life relationships, which will magnetize a Loving Partner. Every relationship, whether it is friendship love, family love, brotherly or romantic love, brings you to understanding and loving SELF unconditionally. This also raises your vibration to be a more “conscious,” person, both seeing the challenges and gifts in life in a more neutralized way to create and enjoy a more harmonic and balanced life. When your life is filled with more joy, integrity, contentment, peace, enthusiasm, optimism, new friendships, activities, hobbies, you create a greater magnetism for a “Divine Life Partner.” You will magnetize to you that which you are seeking when you become more like the “ONE,” you are seeking.


KNOWING you are worthy of being with your Divine Life Partner, is a valuable key.

Many people lack self-worth and self-confidence which stems from deeper wounds and negative cellular programming in the past.

CLEAR the past relationship wounds and patterns. Realize all relationships are reflections within yourself, to learn, evolve and aspire to “unconditional forgiveness and love.” Sometimes the wounds of past relationships are still there as scars in our cellular memory, and so keep repeating as outward patterns of attracting the wrong people into one’s life, like a broken record.

Dissolve, delete the pattern and the behaviour will shift to then attract higher vibrational relationships of all types into life, especially your Divine Life Partner who will match your vibration in a completely loving, balanced, honouring and respecting way that has higher potential to bring long-term happiness.

Forgive, Release and Bless all past romantic relationships, for they all helped you learn and evolve. There are many techniques psychics like myself can assist clients to “clear” past wounds or patterns, including Akashic Record/Past Life Clearing, Cellular Reprogramming, Hypnotherapy, etc.

As Earth is now quickly shifting into higher frequencies of the 5th dimension, many “Divine Life Partners” are coming together; it is Time.

SECRET #3: MAGNETIZE with Angelic Help!

MAGNETIZE with the help of your Angels. Everyone has their own Angel team around them, so it’s time to get to know who your angels and spirit guides are (often family members who have passed on are trying to help you connect with your “Divine Life Partner.”)

These wonderful beings are trying to get communications through to you in dreams. Basically, they cannot do it for you, but rather guide you in ways to prepare and accelerate the process. Prepare to make changes in your life and home such as “clearing your closet, etc.” to invite the new partner into your life (rose oil brings new love). Learn to meditate and call in your ANGEL team around you… often Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Ziekiel help in this way, along with the Ascended Masters.


MERGE with the Knowingness that your Divine Life Partner, is already with you. The more you raise your vibrations through spiritual healing, meditations, crystals, visualizing, essential oils, etc, the faster you will merge to “soul link,” with your Divine Life Partner. Often, when one is ready to meet their Divine Life Partner, that person’s spiritual essence appears in your energy field, which shows up in psychic readings. This is the time your Angels can come in and help you “merge” with KNOWING you are already with that new partner.

This “KNOWING” brings peace of mind and you no longer need to “find” that person, thus it will amplify the magnetizing of the two of you to come together when you least expect it. You will come to realize you don’t have to search or need someone, but rather, you are already with them.

Also a technique before you go to sleep each night is to call to the soul essence of your “Divine Life Partner”, to bond with you in a dream state, gathering your Angel team around you. Soon you will have a dream that shows you the meeting of this Divine Life Partner in the near future. Some clients have several dreams they remember before meeting their Divine Life Partner. They often recognize the person by their vibrational alignment when they meet. This all speeds up the process of meeting in the physical reality.

SECRET #5: GRATITUDE in Advance!

GRATITUDE in advance. Remember, you may meet a few “samples,” that seem to be the “Divine Life Partner,” that the universe will send you before the ONE… these are called “transitional or working karmic relationships,” to help you prepare for the “ONE”.

Do not let this discourage you as it only means the ONE is soon coming. Always affirm, “Gratitude for any relationship and Gratitude in Advance for being with your Divine Life Partner that is aligned with you on all levels and dimensions in every way. By expressing sincere Gratitude in advance, you raise the Frequency of magnetizing that Divine Life Partner, to you in an accelerated way.

Grace and Gratitude have very high frequencies and open the heart to create in a more powerful way. Do a brief meditation 2 or 3 times a day, breathing in 7 counts, holding 7 counts and releasing on 7 counts (at least 7 times), then bring your sacred Visions into your heart, placing your right hand over your heart, 3 times a day, whether for relationships, career, or any visioning. In this way, you become one with your Visions, they are not “out there,” somewhere. Through brief meditation, breathing in 7 times, affirming your vision or manifestation in the present sense, in Knowing it is done, and so it is. SELAH!

Happiest Valentine!

This article is a contribution from Psychic Athena. She has assisted many people worldwide to transform their relationships. Click here to find out more about psychic Athena ID 2178.

Author: Psychic Athena