What To Do After You Lose Your Job


searching for a job online is a great way to start your new journey

What To Do After You Lose Your Job – Get the Job Loss Bounce Back!

Lose Your Job? Job Loss isn’t the End of the World, it’s the Beginning!

Losing your job can be a difficult and challenging experience, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. In fact, it can often be the beginning of new possibilities. From a spiritual perspective, this is a turning point in life, a chance for you to reach your potential by doing what your heart desires in a new job. Here are a few more reasons why losing your job can actually be a positive turning point in your career:

  1. Time for self-discovery: Losing your job can give you the opportunity to take a step back and reevaluate your career goals and values. It can be a chance to discover what truly motivates you and to pursue a career that aligns with your passions and interests.
  2. Reinvention: Job loss can be a catalyst for reinventing yourself and exploring new career paths. It can push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to try something new or take on a different challenge. So, take a leaf out of Katy Perry’s book and reinvent your life!
  3. Personal growth: Dealing with unemployment can be a learning experience that helps you build resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It can help you grow personally and professionally, making you stronger and more prepared for future challenges. You can learn to be more grateful and not take things for granted too.
  4. Networking opportunities: Job loss can be a chance to meet new people and expand your professional network. Reach out to former colleagues, attend industry events to help connections and explore new networking opportunities to potentially find your next job or career opportunity.
  5. Starting your own business: Looking for a new job? Find a new job by inventing your own! I recommend this for people who are determined and prepared to work hard. It’s also really important that you believe in what you’re doing. The loss of a job can be the push you need to finally pursue your dreams of starting your own business. Use this time to explore entrepreneurial opportunities and take your career in a new direction.
  6. Do you have psychic ability? Perhaps you might be thinking of using your psychic skills to read for the public as your next opportunity? AbsoluteSoulSecrets.com is always looking for good psychics with integrity and compassion. We have a job interview process to ensure we get only genuine psychics. You can work from home as a full-time job. Find out more and apply here on our website Psychic Work Available.

Remember, job loss is not the end of the road – it’s just a detour on your career journey. It’s time to readjust your sights for new life directions. Stay positive, keep an open mind, and be proactive in seeking out new horizons. Who knows, your next job could be even better than the one you lost!

woman crying in bed eating popcorn and chips grieving job loss

Take a Moment to Grieve Losing a Job

Leaving a job can be a difficult and overwhelming experience, and it’s important to allow yourself the time and space to grieve and process your emotions. Here are some tips to help you navigate this challenging time:

  1. Allow yourself to feel your emotions: It’s normal to feel a wide range of emotions after losing a job, including sadness, anger, fear, and frustration. Give yourself permission to feel these emotions and don’t be afraid to express them. Your stress levels will probably rise, so you will need to pay special attention to relaxation – meditation can help here. Or go hang out in nature without devices and distractions.  It takes time to come to terms with big changes, especially if they are not what you wanted or anticipated.
  2. Reach out for support: Don’t be afraid to lean on family and friends for emotional support during this time. Talking to someone you trust can help you process your feelings and provide you with much-needed comfort and reassurance. You can also think about expanding your networks both personal and professional for support.
  3. Take care of yourself. Job loss can be a stressful and exhausting experience, so it’s important to prioritise self-care during this time. Make sure to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Your sense of purpose can return again. You may change direction and feel more inspired as a result of making this change.
  4. Focus on the positive. While losing a job can be a challenging experience, try to focus on the positives in your life. Reflect on your skills, strengths, and accomplishments, and think about how you can leverage them in your job search.
  5. Stay resilient. Remember that if you’ve lost your job or had a layoff, this is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. Stay positive and resilient in the face of adversity, and trust that better opportunities are on the horizon.

Remember that it’s okay to grieve the loss of a job, and it’s important to give yourself permission to feel your emotions during this time. By allowing yourself the space to grieve and process your feelings, you’ll be better equipped to move forward and navigate the next steps in your career journey.

male businessman on a conveyor belt with one being plucked from the belt symbolising losing his job

Unemployment Sucks but Your Job Search Brings New Opportunities

One of the most difficult things about job hunting is shelling out money to travel to interviews when you’re dealing with the loss of income. Finding a job isn’t cheap and job seekers need to have the right attire and to travel to the interview. Often there are online interviews but face to face interviews for job openings are common in the job market, so you need to present as professionally as possible.

Consider if you are eligible for unemployment benefits, aka the dole or JobSeeker Payment in Australia, it can sometimes take weeks to actually receive this payment even though you may be expecting in 1-2 weeks. So, applying for JobSeeker is one of the first steps you can take whilst you’re looking for work and looking at your next career move.

Make a list of things you can do including:

  • Updating your resume including your current skills.
  • Listing new skills you’re currently scoping out.
  • Considering possible interview questions you’ll be asked including “What make you the best person for this position” and “Why do you want this particular job?” Potential future employers may ask about your background and any gaps in your resume such as time between jobs you’ve previously held.
  • Investigate how to learn a new skill.
  • Consider if you are willing to volunteer or do work experience to get to know a particular employer.
  • Joining a group online or face to face will help you focus on the future and may provide help when you need it.
  • Make a plan to return to work and set dates to accomplish tasks. As an example – you will apply for a minimum of 10 applications per week.
  • It’s important to make your resume stand out from the crowd and you’ll need to craft your resume to meet the requirements of the position.  It’s worth it to update your resume and take a few minutes before you send it off to check your job application actually applies to the requirements of the position. Also it’s important to acknowledge each and every requirement in the employers ad/listing.
  • Check out Indeed.com, Seek or Linkedin for more up-to-date information. A good career coach may be able to help you make up your mind if you’re having difficulties making decisions about what you want to do.

If nothing really seems to work for you, then you really need to consider working for yourself and starting up a small or micro business even if you don’t really want to do this. This could be a confidence or self-esteem issue where you don’t really think your good enough or sufficiently capable to fend for yourself.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Major life transitions such as loss of employment can lead to other major life events. So it’s really important to take special care of your emotional well-being and psychological health. Mental health problems can be avoided if you are taking care of your diet, exercise, and other needs. \

During times of major life transitions, it’s natural to feel a range of emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, and even relief. It’s important to allow yourself to feel these emotions and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. Developing healthy coping strategies such as journaling, relaxation techniques, or engaging in enjoyable activities can also help you navigate through this challenging time.

It’s also important to set realistic goals and create a plan for moving forward. This may involve updating your resume, networking, or pursuing further education or training. Stay open to new opportunities and be willing to adapt to change. Remember that setbacks are a normal part of the process, and it’s okay to ask for help when needed.

In addition, taking care of your physical health can help you feel more optimistic and have a positive impact on your mental well-being. Make sure to prioritize regular exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep. Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms such as excessive alcohol or drug use, as these can worsen your mental health.

This time can help connect you more deeply to other people you know as well as meeting new friends who are on the same page as you. Discussing what you want to accomplish can make your goals more real and set you up for success.

Remember that major life transitions are a natural part of life, and with time and self-care, you can navigate through them successfully. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it and know that you have the resilience and strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.

Finally, it’s really important to know that you’re not alone. Many millions of people worldwide are facing the issue of unemployment or underemployment right now. To help you stay mentally sound, please know there’s probably nothing wrong with you…this is a stressful time that many are going through.

peace of mind concept reflection of sad and then happy woman meditating

Tips to Help You Find Peace of Mind

Build Your Self Confidence

Take control of your situation by changing small things around you on a regular basis – clean out 1 drawer and if you feel good about that, then keep on going. You don’t have to do it all at once… it’s not an ‘all or nothing’ approach that is needed in building confidence and self-esteem. Steps to take include taking small bite size steps so you can be successful at small things and with gradual practice you can work up to bigger things.

If you’re feeling depressed, medical options are available so best speak to a medical professional about these. However, firstly know that knowledge is power so arm yourself with all the information to need to make informed decisions. You might also speak to one of our gifted psychics who can help you see the wood from the trees. Sometimes we all feel overwhelmed by life events and talking to someone objective can really help. It’s true a problem shared is a problem halved!

Get Clear About What You’re Supposed to be Doing with Your Life!

It’s true that unemployment may leave you feeling all sorts of emotions and it’s easy to feel down. However, Spirit sees all and has a greater plan for you!  Trust in the process and know that this difficult time is only temporary. Whilst unemployment may make the situation seem more difficult for a time, remember that Spirit may be able to give you some patience if you ask. The Universe is guiding you towards a new path or opportunity that you may not have considered before. Keep an open mind to new possibilities. Remember, Spirit always has a plan for you, even when it may not be clear at the moment.

Stay positive because it’s a universal law that you get more of what you focus upon. A brighter future ahead is always possible.

Author: Rose Smith